Rockieweb Industries Inc.

Hello! I’m Jeff Horton, a practical professional with over 25 years of experience in management, systems building, consulting, and software product development. I’ve had the privilege of being a founder and builder in three provinces: SK, AB, and BC, and I’m passionate about sharing my knowledge and helping others achieve their goals.

One of my greatest strengths is my ability and willingness to dive into whole new domains. I thrive on challenges and problem solving. This has allowed me to venture into technical management, product development, and marketing in diverse sectors such as retail, SaaS, gaming, IoT, B2B, MarTech, and information security.

What can I do with you?

Either direct as staff or through my consulting firm Rockieweb Industries Inc. I’m happy to connect and discover your problem.

Check out my LinkedIn and connect with me there to learn more LinkedIn

Project based delivery and consulting

Software & Web
Projects done in jQuery, Vue, React, PHP, Node, Express, Ruby on Rails, Python, CPP, Bash, Java, Adobe AIR, Arduino, Wordpress, Typo3, Drupal, Perl.

DevOps & Cloud & SysAdmin
Running real systems in real racks, cloud systems, Digital Ocean, AWS, Linode, Windows Desktops and Servers, Linux, CHEF, Ansible, K8, Docker, Fargate, EC2, Lambda, Internet of Things, Solaris, Unix

Systems Review, Repair and Completion
Picking up lost, forgotten and incomplete systems and projects to document, improve, fix and recommend.

From tiny tests to early demonstration software to fully designed and specified deliverables.

Junior team mentoring, cross team communication, startup coaching.